When conceptualizing the Kalon brand, it was obvious we wanted this store to be more than a store. We wanted it to be something all women - even the ones who may never shop with us - can relate to in some way, shape or form. So let us tell a short version of a very long story…

When working through the trenches of corporate America (which included a painful stretch of layoffs and budget cuts) we felt truly undervalued in who we were as employees and the skills we brought to the table.

Like many women going through tough times do, we turned to Pinterest to provide a quote that could refill our cup enough to make it through another 9-5 day. And just like that… we struck gold.

The graphic depicted a bundle of wildflowers, their meaning, and a quote stating, “non-conforming blooms that grow on their own terms.” (Pictured here so you can fact check.)

We immediately saved the photo, and let the wildflower mentality grow deeply rooted in who we were not only as employees - but as strong, young women paving a path for ourselves in this not always kind world.

The wildflower mentality is something we now pour into the every day parts of our lives, and feel the urge to share it with every woman we can.


Wildflowers are authentic blooms, just like each of us. Your differences don’t make you less than… they make you uniquely you!

They grow in the harshest conditions, just like we have the opportunity to do each and every time things feel rough. Some days we may feel trampled, but we won’t let it stop us. So grow wildly and fiercely untamed!

They possess kalon, also known as beauty deeper than the skin. We as human beings also each possess a unique kalon. Hence our studio’s name… We are just here to help remind you of how stinkin’ wonderful you are both on the inside and out!